Online Q&A
The Q&A on Poor Clare life and Poor Clare Spirituality is an opportunity to become familiar with the spirit or charism that undergirds our Poor Clare way of life. Although the Q&A is not strictly speaking a vocations event, it can also be helpful for those discerning a possible vocation to religious life to learn more about what we do and to get an idea of the basics of Poor Clares life and to ask any questions they might have. It is conducted through Zoom and those who would like to attend simply send a message to requesting the registration information. They will then be sent the link to gain access to the meeting.
Those who are discerning a vocation and who would prefer a one-to-one Q&A are also accomodated
Here are some of the comments sent from participants of previous Q&As:
- I enjoyed this web chat very much and a lot of what the sisters shared resonated with me and coincided with my own experience and feelings .
- I think the Q&A was wonderful and I only wish we had more time to chat! Thank you very much for permitting me to join.
- I am very thankful and praise God for the opportunity and for the gift of technology .
- It was brilliant and very helpful.
- I really enjoyed listening to the sisters. I thought they were very open and explained things in detail.
- The sisters were very friendly and had some good practical advice too.
- I found the atmosphere very relaxed.
- The session was a rare opportunity to gain insight into the life of the Poor Clares.
- This experience was a useful litmus test to gauge whether God is calling me to discern further towards the contemplative life and specifically, life as a Poor Clare.
- I found it helpful to just hear about a “typical” day in the life of a Poor Clare sister. I also hugely appreciated the sisters being so open to whatever you wanted to discuss
- A variety of frequently asked questions were addressed, and the sisters left plenty of opportunities for participants to hop in and ask a question.
- The Sisters spoke about everything that as an outsider we would want to know; how it is really a hidden service at the heart of the Church.
- It was a warm, friendly, casual conversation where it was possible also to ask our own questions.
Here is some feedback from a participant who took part in a one-to-one call:
- I loved the calm and peaceful atmosphere. I had quite a few questions that the Sister answered without any judgement! I usually dislike online zoom calls due to the lack of connection that in-person meetings brings but that was not an issue at all on this call.
- It was enjoyable! It was lovely to be able to speak one-to-one without worrying about repeating another’s question or accidentally talking over another person. Very stress free and the time really flew!
- It was very easy to relax and open up to the sister. Usually in my University classes I could never turn on my mic or camera but here I was able to do so without feeling self-conscious!

Monasticism....not only offers the possibility of peace and interior life, but also the ability to witness intensely to the Christian conception of man and the world marked by a deep harmony which far from opposing spirit and matter, the individual and society , God and man, unifies all in a loftier plan of beauty, solidarity and holiness. Man was created beautiful and holy by God.
Pope John Paul II