Online Q&A

 The Q&A on Poor Clare life and Poor Clare Spirituality is an opportunity to become familiar with the spirit or charism that undergirds our Poor Clare way of life. Although the Q&A is not strictly speaking a vocations event, it can also be helpful for those discerning a possible vocation to religious life to learn more about what we do and to get an idea of the basics of Poor Clares life and  to ask any questions they might have. It is conducted through Zoom and those who would like to attend simply send a message to requesting the registration information. They will then be sent the link to gain access to the meeting. 

 Those who are discerning a vocation and who would prefer a one-to-one Q&A are also accomodated 

Here are some of the comments sent from participants of previous Q&As: 

Here is some feedback from a participant who took part in a one-to-one call:                                           

Monasticism....not only offers the possibility of peace and interior life, but also the ability to witness intensely to the Christian conception of man and the world marked by a deep harmony which far from opposing spirit and matter, the individual and society , God and man, unifies all in a loftier plan of beauty, solidarity and holiness. Man was created beautiful and holy by God.

Pope John Paul II