Monastic Experience Days

A Monastic Experience Day  is an opportunity to spend a day at the monastery to learn more about the Poor Clare way of life and to experience some periods of prayer with the sisters. If you  think that the Lord may be calling you to follow Him more closely in some form of consecrated life, then coming to a Monastic Experience Day can be very helpful. In an informal atmosphere, there is an opportunity to chat with sisters who have already made the leap and yet who understand the struggles involved in a life-changing decision. It's also a good  time to chat with other young women who are going through the same kind of soul-searching. To find out more or to book a place at the next Monastic Experience Day contact:

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Your way of life places you at the very heart of the mystery of the Church. You are a hidden power, which creates energy for her fruitful activity.

Beloved Sisters, committed from your cloisters to be witnesses of certain values for which you love, be witnesses to the Lord for the world of today, and instil with your prayer a new breath of life into the Church and into modern man…

Never was the contemplative vocation more precious or more relevant than in our modern, restless world."

Pope John Paul II, to enclosed Nuns