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We are an enclosed contemplative community of Poor Clare sisters whose monastery is in Nuns’ Island, Galway. We have had a presence in Galway for over 375 years. From our beginnings in Gravelines in early seventeenth-century Spanish Flanders (present-day northern France), to Ireland of 2023, the same rhythm of daily prayer, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, work, and community life continues today, inspired by our holy founders St. Clare and St. Francis. St. Clare was the first female follower of St. Francis. She was captured by his vision of poverty, humility and simplicity and the resulting joy that flowed from a life lived in imitation of the Lord Jesus. It is this same Spirit-inspired vision which animates our Community today. . 

Whoever you are, or wherever you are, may you find, in the pages of our  website, strength and encouragement. Know that we remember you, our website visitors, and your intentions in our prayers.  In the words of St. Francis: 

May the Lord give you peace!



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Saint Clare
Our Life

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The ancient spiritual tradition of the Church, explicitly connects the enclosed-contemplative life to the prayer of Jesus "on the mountain", or solitary place not accessible to all but only to those whom he calls to be with Him, apart from the others.

The enclosure therefore, even in its physical form, is a special way of being with the Lord, of sharing in Christ's emptying of Himself by means of a radical poverty, expressed in renunciation not only of things but also of space, of contacts, of so many benefits of creation.

Pope John Paul II, Verbi Sponsa