In September 2015 we invited the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) to conduct a review of our Community’s child safeguarding policy and practice. We very much welcome the findings of the report on our Community which was published today and accept all its recommendations. We are completely willing and open to collaborating fully with the NBSCCCI into the future to further improve our child safeguarding practices, something to which we are strongly committed. We are deeply saddened that so many children have suffered as a consequence of abuse by priests and religious in the past and we continue to pray for all survivors of abuse and their families.
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When we succeed in living in God’s time, open to the epiphany underlying every little happening and every commonplace gesture, we are in fact engaging in a truly contemplative exercise and making a declaration of freedom in the face of a world that suffers from a self-centred understanding of time which pushes people towards despair or mindless escapism. The contemplative is a witness to the truth that time is not money but relationship.
Giacomo Bini OFM